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Program 21 – 23 (short english version)

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  • Guidelines and exams recovery. We propose in the exam guidelines: resit chance when prolonged disconnection and sole use of only one monitoring webcam. Also, many exams were subject to deep modifications, so we propose to maintain the initial Methods of Assessments mentioned in the Study Plan.


  • “Resumption of in-person activities” Plan. This Plan is immediately needed and it has to ensure an increase of in-person hours. It’s essential to increase Study Rooms accesses, we are also asking to open again all the other spaces linked to the study rooms, such as the lunchroom, and we want to open new spaces for studying.



  • Thanks to the effort of our representatives in the committees these days in the Senate will be brought up the proposal for additional exam sessions, even if limited to those who have attended all the courses.
  • Reopening of the Didactic Load for the master’s degree after February’s exam session.
  • Characterizing course at the first year: we asked and obtained a revision (by the Senate) of the first year academic offer, adding a course in a subject typical of the degree.
  • Not calculation of the academic year for decay and access to master’s degrees, for the past and current year.


  • Mid-term exam sessions for all: we want to add into the didactics guidelines the possibility of partial exams and ongoing tests. We are the only students’ association which has always asked for additional midterms for all.
  • Reopening of the Didactic Load, for all after February’s exam session, regardless of the degree.



  • Part-time Brackets, so to reduce (based on ISEE) the tuition fee and delete the cost of credit.
  • Implementation of the academic year extension: we obtain tax refund for those who graduate within April 2021 degree session.
  • 500€ scholarships for who has been left out by EDISU: by using part of the “DL rilancio” funds.


  • Decrease the taxes with the millions from the “DL rilancio”, deleting the super-increment for the students “fuoricorso” in the low bracket. The Polytechnic received 3 MLN € from the Minister and we ask that they will be used to reduce the fees.
  • Simplification of the welfare processes to speed up the service delivery.



  • Residencies: free meals and various items supply during lockdown
  • Total coverage of the scholarships, thanks to the mobilisations with the students.
  • Special credits “COVID” for those which had problems with the remote exams.
  • Merit criterions removal to apply for the food service.


  • Residencies: three new residencies, increase in beds, strengthening the WI-FI.
  • Increase in the scholarship amounts, of the beneficiaries and of the BONUS CFU “COVID”
  • Supply of free meals and decrease of the tariffs.
  • Conclusion of the widespread Campus  project and new study rooms/canteens.



  • Direct election of the students’ representatives in the Single Guarantee Committee


  • Recognition of the Alias carreer: card that reflects the gender identity for the people undergoing a transition too.
  • Training in gender studies
  • Info points: Creation of a specific page on the website containing the contacts of services which help the students
  • Strengthening the psychological aid.
  • Peer to Peer Support: Student network which can mediate between the support professionals and the students.
  • Promote the usage of gender language