In Pillole
- Complete translation of the portal and emails from Politecnico
- Learning Basic Italian language and culture
- Promote cultural activities at Politecnico
- More part time collaboration opportunities
- Clarifying the procedure for apply to the residence permit
Programma Esteso
- Complete translation of the portal and emails from Politecnico Right now, Polito website and some important emails are not fully translated in english. This leads to many inconveniences for international students.
A complete translation could help to better include students. This would also encourage other international students to apply at PoliTo, since more complete information would be available on the website. - Learning Basic Italian language and culture To have more instruments to communicate here in Italy, some basic Italian courses would be provided by Ateneum Language Center (CLA). This would also encourage many foreign students that want to come to Italy to learn about Italy and Italian Culture.
- Promote cultural activities at Politecnico There are a lot of different cultures among the over 6000 international students at PoliTo. By promoting cultural activities, it would be a precious opportunity to link students of the PoliTo community. On the other hand, international students would feel more confident from a university that takes care of their cultures.
- More part time collaboration opportunities There are few possibilities for English part time collaborations at PoliTo right now. By adding some activities, students would be more involved in the community of Polito and learn how this university works.
Clarifying the procedure for apply to the residence permit